June 8, 2023

My Healing Story

My healing journey began in 2011 when I started experiencing health symptoms that entirely distrupt my life. At first, I brushed off the fatigue, headaches, occasional pain, and persistent discomfort, attributing them to stress and a hectic lifestyle. However, as the symptoms intensified, I realized that something more profound was at play. I consulted so many specialists, but each of them seemed perplexed by the mysterious nature of my condition. The symptoms persisted, defying easy categorization or diagnosis. The tests revealed I had thyroid problems, which could partly explain the severe chronic fatigue, the brain fog and a few other symptoms. However, it couldn't account for the electric shocks coursing through caused by Metatarsalgia to both feet and Morton's neuroma to left foot, the digestive issues, the nighttime numbness in my limbs, the interstitial cystitis, the pain in my joints, the persistent headaches and migraines, the sinus inflammation or the myriad other distressing and painful symptoms I was experiencing. It was like navigating through a labyrinth of uncertainty, with no clear path forward. Frustration, discomfort and pain became constant companions. Medical tests kept having inconclusive results, and the search for answers felt like an endless quest.

Because of the gravity of my symptoms, I had to quit my job and I decided to enroll in a Macrobiotic School, viewing it as a unique opportunity to deepen my understanding of nutrition and holistic well-being. Entering the world of macrobiotics was a transformative experience. The school provided not just academic knowledge but a practical and immersive understanding of how food influences our bodies and overall vitality. I delved into the principles of balancing yin and yang energies through diet, emphasizing the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods in harmony with the seasons. The decision to enroll in the school became a pivotal chapter in my quest for holistic well-being. The journey became more than a quest for a diagnosis; it became a quest for empowerment. I learned to listen to my body's subtle cues, tracking patterns and triggers that eluded the grasp of traditional medical assessments.  I became an active participant in the exploration of my own health.

After a long journey, I discovered I was sensitive to certain kind of chemicals , particularly to salycilates and hystamine and that this sensitivity could have been the cause of my autoimmune diseases, like Endometriiosis.  The revelation brought a mix of emotions — relief that I finally knew the root of my problems and uncertainty about what this meant for my future. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I embarked on a focused healing journey tailored to managing my salicylate sensitivity. As I navigated this new chapter of my healing journey, I encountered a supportive community of individuals facing similar challenges. Online forums  became platforms for sharing experiences, exchanging tips, and finding camaraderie. The collective wisdom of those who had walked similar paths proved invaluable, offering insights and encouragement that inspired resilience.

Nutrition played a crucial role in my healing journey. Understanding the intricate connection between what I consumed and how it influenced my well-being empowered me to make informed choices that contributed to my overall health. Physical activity also played a vital role. I embraced gentle exercises like yoga and walking, tailoring my fitness routine to accommodate my body's needs. The result of my efforts wasn't just physical health but an overall sense of balance that contributed to my well-being on multiple levels. That's why I delved into alternative way to heal my mind and my body;  yoga, meditation,  sound healing, osteopathy, chiropractic became fundamental components of my healing toolkit. Thanks to my discipline and effort, most of my problems disappeared, including hypothyroidism, which doctors had told me would require lifelong medication, and Morton's neuroma, for which surgery had been recommended. Now, only a few issues, like digestive problems, fatigue, and joint pain, resurface when I neglect my self-care, but even then, they manifest in a much milder form. Additionally, I can manage my endometriosis solely through diet and a healthy lifestyle.

As I reflect on the path I've traversed since 2011, I recognize the profound transformation that has occurred within me. My healing journey has not only restored a semblance of health but has also enriched my life with newfound purpose, resilience, and a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Each day is a step forward, a testament to the remarkable capacity for healing that resides within us when we embark on the journey with an open heart and a determined spirit. Amidst the challenges, I discovered the resilience that comes from facing the unknown. In this ongoing quest for answers, I found solace in the process itself. The unknown condition became a catalyst for personal growth, fostering resilience and adaptability. Instead of viewing it solely as a roadblock, I began to see it as an opportunity to redefine my relationship with health and well-being. The journey taught me patience, perseverance, and an unwavering determination to reclaim control over my health.

I am filled with gratitude for the lessons learned, the strength cultivated, and the community that supported me along the way. My story is a testament to the potential for growth and healing that exists within us when faced with the challenges of life, hoping it serves as a beacon of hope for others navigating their unique paths to well-being.