May 3, 2024

The power of setting intentions & how to craft mindful ones

Setting an intention, a personal resolve, or what in Sanskrit is called "sankalpa", enhances your yoga experience immensely. It's a statement that you can call upon to remind you of your true nature, guide your choices, make positive changes and live your life in a more healthy and meaningful way.

Far beyond mere goal-setting, intentions are the seeds we plant in the fertile soil of our consciousness, guiding our thoughts, actions, and energies towards a desired outcome.  Unlike goals, which often focus on external achievements, intentions are deeply rooted in our internal landscape—they reflect the qualities, values, and states of being we wish to embody in our lives. Whether it's cultivating gratitude, fostering compassion, feel safe, find more kindness or embracing courage, intentions serve as beacons that orient us towards the life we aspire to live.

Setting intentions is a practice steeped in wisdom and backed by science. Research in the fields of psychology and neuroscience has shown that intention-setting can have a profound impact on our well-being and success. Here's how:

  1. Clarity and Focus: By clarifying our intentions, we gain a clearer sense of direction and purpose in life. Intentions help us filter out distractions and focus on what truly matters, allowing us to channel our energy and efforts towards meaningful pursuits.
  2. Alignment and Authenticity: Setting intentions encourages us to align our actions with our core values and beliefs. When our intentions are in harmony with our truest selves, we experience a sense of authenticity and integrity that fuels our growth and fulfillment.
  3. Resilience and Adaptability: Intentions serve as guiding principles that help us navigate life's twists and turns with grace and resilience. Even in the face of setbacks and challenges, our intentions remind us of our inherent strength and capacity for growth, empowering us to persevere and thrive.

Crafting mindful intentions  requires introspection, clarity, and intentionality. Here are some steps to help you set intentions that resonate deeply with your soul:

  1. Reflect: Take time to reflect on what matters most to you in life. What values do you hold dear? What qualities do you wish to cultivate within yourself? Reflecting on these questions can help you uncover the intentions that are most aligned with your authentic self.
  2. Stay Positive: Frame your intentions in a positive light, focusing on what you want to invite into your life rather than what you wish to avoid. Positive intentions have a magnetic quality that draws in opportunities and experiences aligned with your desires.
  3. Visualize: Visualize yourself embodying your intentions with vivid detail. Use your imagination to paint a mental picture of what it looks, feels, and sounds like to live your intentions fully. Visualization enhances the potency of your intentions and primes your subconscious mind for success.
  4. Release Attachment: While it's important to set intentions with clarity and conviction, it's equally crucial to release attachment to specific outcomes. Trust in the wisdom of the universe and remain open to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond your expectations.
  5. Present tense. In framing  your intention in the present tense you reinforce the idea that our intention is not merely a future goal to strive towards but a current reality that we are actively embodying in the present moment. For example, instead of saying "I will find inner peace," we would state our intention as "I am experiencing inner peace."

My suggestion is to set mindful intentions with clarity, purpose, and authenticity and sticking with the same intention for at least 1 week, and up to a year, or even more if you need, in order for it to help you to truly harness the power to create a life that reflects your deepest values and aspirations.