
In my classes I integrate traditional yoga practices with some basic Pilates concepts, blending the holistic principles of yoga with the targeted strength and stabilization exercises of Pilates. This fusion creates a comprehensive practice that enhances flexibility, strength, and core stability. My approach to yoga offers a perfect balance between building strength and stability and promoting mindful movement and flow, supporting the body's ability to perform tasks efficiently and with a reduced risk of injury.
Through mindful breathing and intentional movements, my classes aim to improve physical and mental well-being, nurturing the body, the mind and the spirit as well.

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, my classes offer a practical approach to improving physical function, promoting a better understanding of your body, calming your mind, and finding more clarity, encouraging a more functional and healthier lifestyle..

Available for individuals, couples and groups.

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yoga Nidra meditation

Yoga Nidra is a profound relaxation practice that induces a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. Guided by a structured script, this practice leads you through an inner journey of integrative restoration for the body, mind, and soul. This journey facilitates the release of deeply held tensions, patterns, and beliefs, paving the way for profound healing and transformation. The benefits of Yoga Nidra are extensive and include stress relief, improved sleep, increased awareness, and the release of stored emotions, traumas, and negative patterns. It also enhances creativity and intuition, making it beneficial for anyone seeking a deeper sense of peace and a more profound connection with themselves.Yoga Nidra encourages you to let go, surrender, and explore the depths of your inner being, awakening to the wholeness that resides within you.

Available for individuals, couples and groups.

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Sound Healing

Sound Healing facilitates deep relaxation, guiding you into a state of inner stillness and peace. As the harmonious tones wash over you, they can release emotional and energetic blockages, fostering a sense of emotional release and renewal. This experience is akin to an acupuncture session, using frequency and vibration instead of needles. The immersive journey often leads to a state of deep relaxation that lingers long after the session.I curate personalized experiences, tailoring each session to address your unique needs and intentions. Whether you seek relief from anxiety, a space for introspection, or simply a moment of tranquility in a hectic world, my sound healing sessions provide a sanctuary for mental clarity and balance. Additionally, these healing vibrations can promote better sleep, easing the mind into a state of tranquility that supports restorative rest.

Available for individuals, couples and groups.

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